Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus Condemns Homophobic Remarks by Attorney General Pam Bondi

This morning, Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus President Sally Phillips released the following statement in response to recent remarks made by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi:

Sally_Phillips“The Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus condemns the homophobic comments made this week by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Her claim that disrupting existing marriage laws “would cause significant harm” is relying on debunked arguments and cites outdated information on Floridians’ views on marriage equality in an attempt to have a federal judge throw out a lawsuit brought by eight legally married couples.

A bipartisan majority of Floridians now support marriage equality. Pam Bondi has it backwards – the only “significant harm” being done here is to the hundreds of thousands of Floridians who are having their civil rights denied by the Scott administration. Even worse, Florida taxpayers are footing the bill for Bondi’s rigid ideological crusade.

Federal courts from Virginia to Oklahoma to Utah have ruled that bans on marriage equality violate the equal protection clause of the United States Constitution. Florida’s ban on marriage equality will have its day in court on July 2nd, and we eagerly anticipate Florida joining the growing list of states across the nation that are embracing equality.

The Caucus will be attending Pride Celebrations and other public events across the state this election year. We look forward to making sure that our supporters – Democrats and Republicans – know about Bondi’s stance on this critical issue involving our lives and families. When they go to the polls in November, the people of Florida will be ready to replace her with a Democratic Attorney General who will respect all of our families.”

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A Chartered Chapter of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus