DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Statement on the Passing of Mame Reiley

Washington, DC – DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement on the passing of DNC Women’s Caucus Chair Mame Reiley:

“I am heartbroken by the loss of my friend, Mame Reiley. Mame represented the best of the grassroots activism that is at the foundation of our party and her work ethic, commitment and dedication are irreplaceable. Mame was a leader devoted to the Democratic Party and passionate about advancing women as leaders of our Party and to elected office.

“Ever since she was a child in Virginia cheering on John Kennedy’s campaign for President, Mame was organizing, agitating, and fighting for our party. Most recently, as the leader of the Women’s Caucus, Mame has tirelessly advocated for women in politics and dedicated her life to their success and advancement.

“Her political counsel was valued among many Virginia Democrats, including Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and Jim Moran, and I can’t blame them. Her wit was sharp, her advice was on point, and her perspective was invaluable. I  have welcomed and appreciated Mame's consistent guidance and counsel on issues important to women throughout my tenure as Chair.

“Most importantly, Mame was a true friend and a resolute fighter. Having undergone my own battle with breast cancer, it has been difficult to see her face this struggle the last four years. She fought cancer as she took on every fight, with grace and a quiet ferocity. On behalf of those who were fortunate enough to have known Mame, she will be deeply missed.”

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