State Caucus Winter Membership Meeting & Special Membership Meeting Notice

From the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus

In conjunction with Equality Florida Lobby Days held in March, 2014 in Tallahassee, the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus will hold a Special Membership Meeting to conduct the necessary business of the Caucus. The convergence of our Special Membership Meeting with Lobby Days creates an opportunity to cooperate and expand the influence of the GLBT community in the Florida Legislature for the upcoming session.

The Board of the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus has elected to hold this Special Membership Meeting in Tallahassee on Saturday, March 15, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at The Family Tree Community Center located at 2415 North Monroe Street, Suite 2064.  Included as a part of the Special Membership Meeting will be our usual Caucus business, updates from the Legislative and Campaign Committees and voting on proposed bylaws changes.

On Sunday March 16th, Equality Florida will provide training at the community center for lobbying and legislative visits scheduled to take place on Monday, March 17th and Tuesday March 18th. We encourage all Caucus Members who attend the Special Membership Meeting to also attend Sunday’s training and be part of the lobbying and legislative visits on Monday and Tuesday.

Our current Bylaws have a provision requiring a Winter Membership Meeting to be held in January or February of each year.  To comply with the Bylaws requirement, the GLBT Democratic Caucus will also hold a Membership Meeting at the Pride Community Center of North Central Florida located at 3131 NW 13th St, in Gainesville, FL on Saturday, February 15th, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.  The only purpose of this regular Winter Membership Meeting is to comply with the requirement of the Bylaws.  We will watch a showing of “The Committee,” a short documentary on the Johns Committee.  No business is scheduled to take place at the February meeting.  We expect all business of the Caucus to take place at the special membership meeting in Tallahassee on March 15th and we hope to see you all there.

Join the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus as we prepare for Victory in November 2014!

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A Chartered Chapter of the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus