President Obama: “Let’s get to work.”

Yesterday, before President Obama arrived in Detroit to talk about the auto industry’s comeback, he sent this email to supporters explaining why he’s hitting the road this week:

Normally, a few weeks into January, I go before Congress to give a State of the Union and lay out a detailed agenda. I spend an hour or so talking about the things I hope that we can work together to achieve.

This year, I'm doing something different. I want to begin that conversation with people like you — because you're an essential part of whether or not we find success.

So, starting today, I'll be traveling to communities around the country to talk with folks like you about how we can continue to create good, fair-paying jobs and put a college education in reach for more of our young people.

Now, some items on this agenda will be actions that I can take myself, and I'll use my authority however I can to keep making our middle class stronger and to make sure hard-working Americans get what they deserve.

But there are some things where I'm going to need the cooperation of the new Congress that was just sworn in. That's also where I'm going to need you — I need you to make your voice heard.

So, are you with me?

I plan to make the most of these next two years. We have some serious challenges ahead, but I know we can keep doing big things together.

Let's get to work.

Barack Obama

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