Mary Burke: “Add your name to defeat Scott Walker”

Mary Burke sent this email to Democrats across the country, asking them to help her defeat Scott Walker in the Wisconsin gubernatorial race. Here’s what she had to say:

Since I launched my campaign for governor against Scott Walker last year, thousands of grassroots activists have joined Team Burke. Under Walker, our state capitol has become the most divisive in the nation. People are recognizing there's a better way. I understand that it's time to focus on what matters and use common sense to find solutions that work.

My message is resonating with folks across Wisconsin, and this race is a dead heat. The latest polls have us tied 46-46 with Scott Walker among registered voters — that's why I need your help today. Are you with me?

Add your name to defeat Scott Walker and say that you're standing with me!

With just weeks until Election Day, Scott Walker and his allies are trying to hide his failures behind a sea of negative ads. They're spending millions because they know I can win.

I know how to apply my experience creating jobs in the private sector to our government, focusing on what entrepreneurs and small businesses need to start up and grow.

I directed strategic planning at Trek Bicycle, helping the company grow to nearly 1,000 employees right here in Wisconsin. During my time as Secretary of Commerce, I helped small businesses get started, and businesses of all sizes grow. I know how to get Wisconsin moving again.

Sign your name if you're ready to join my team and defeat Scott Walker:

Thanks for standing with me,

Mary Burke

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