DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Statement on Thanksgiving

Washington, DC – DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement on Thanksgiving Day:

“Today, family and friends across our country will join together to give thanks for their good fortune throughout the year.  As we gather, let us not forget the brave women and men serving our country, as well as their families who selflessly sacrifice each and every day.

“I'm thankful for President Obama’s recent executive action on immigration reform, as more American families gathered today can do so with greater peace of mind that they will be together with loved ones again at this time next year.

“We must also be reminded that Thanksgiving is a time to recommit ourselves to lending a helping hand to our neighbors who are less fortunate; it’s that tradition that makes this one of the most special times of the year. From our DNC family to yours, happy Thanksgiving.”

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